A Wrongful Conviction

Some Case Details

A More Personal Look


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How You Can Help

Below are addresses of public officials and newspapers related to the case.

Though Dewayne has been paroled, we encourage you to contact those envolved to take actions to prevent additional wrongful convictions:

Governor Don Sundquist
State Capitol
Nashville TN 37243-0001
fax: (615) 532-9711
e-mail: dsundquist@mail.state.tn.us


U. S. Senator Fred Thompson
511 Dirksen Senate Office Building
Washington DC 20510-4204
fax: (202) 228-3679
web site: thompson.senate.gov (can contact through "web form")


3322 West End Ave. ,#120
Nashville TN 37203
fax: (615) 269-4803


U. S. Senator Bill Frist
416 Russell Senate Office Bldg
Washington DC 20510-4205
fax: (202) 228-1264
web site: frist.senate.gov (can contact through web form)


28 White Bridge Rd., #211
Nashville TN 37205
fax: (615) 352-9985

U. S.Representative William Jenkins
1708 Longworth House Office Bldg
Washington DC 20515-4201


320 W Center St.
Kingsport TN 37660
fax: (423) 247-1834


Bristol Herald Courier
Bristol TN 37620
(540) 645-2525